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Sunday, October 20, 2013

God Will Never Fail You

  Okay lets start off with WOW yesterday was quit a day for us. First of all there is this festival that comes to our town every year. Well my husband and I were all set to take the kids so our oldest could ride some rides, play games and watch the parade. Well we get there, my husband and I end up in a fight so we turned around and went home. Well the fight got even worse, I mean such horribly mean things were said, I never felt so much heart ache. And oh I wanted to pack my bags and run, and for the first time I didn't use the divorce word or take any clothes out of my closet. I think that's why it hurt more than ever, because I'm use to running but I stood my ground and took the pain that comes with standing by your spouse no matter what, for better or for worse. So the fight went on for a few hours of course, it was just awful.
    As I was laying in my bed just depressed, telling God that I felt like a failure at everything, my life, as a wife, as a mother. I beat my self up over and over, I felt like I been trying so hard to be this awesome wife, mother, I wanted to live my life by the Bible, but I just felt like my efforts were worthless, and yes I wanted to give up on my faith yesterday. But just as I was ready to throw in the towel, God was not ready for me to let go and He was in the process of planning something for me not to fail at. He was about to show me how important I was to this world and that I was worth more than I felt.
    I received a call from a cousin of mine, who informed me that my grandmother (who has Alzheimer's) was at the festival with my grandfather and had gotten lost, he couldn't find her anywhere. My heart immediately sank, I then called my brother in law to inform my sister who was working at the festival so she could help search for her. Sitting there in my bed I just was lost, I knew I couldn't just do nothing, so I grabbed the keys and started searching the roads behind the festival thinking she may have tried to walk home since its not to far from the fair grounds. Nothing, just random people walking along the streets which scared me even more, what if someone who likes to cause trouble saw this little old lost lady walking home, what could happen?? I gave up I went home and called my mother and said I didn't see her and I waited for further instructions. I knew there were a lot of people looking for her so I put my hope in that. Then the phone rang, my mom told me I needed to go to her house and collect as many pictures of her as I could for the police she had been gone for over an hour. My heart fell even lower into my chest, I looked at my husband and said we have to go now, before I could even finish he was out his chair.
     Luckily we live just a few blocks from my grandparents house, so it didn't take but a minute to get to her house. As I was searching for pictures of her, I began to call my mom, I walked out side for a brief moment and then back into the house and my grandmothers phone was ringing. I started not to answer it, but then decided well maybe I should. When I picked up the phone, it was an old neighbor and friend of my grandparents who had moved up town. She said a random woman (rather an angel) called her and told her she picked up my grandmother and she happen to remember a number that was this old neighbor of theirs. So she was going to bring her to her house. Immediately I told her my husband and I were coming to pick her up, and I called my mother and told her to start calling everyone to stop searching.
    My grandmother was picked up way up town, she was so far from the festival that she forgot she was even there. Thank goodness for this wonderful woman who told my grandmother she was not going to leave her until someone picked her up. As we drove up tears of I don't even what, happiness, still shaken, mixed emotions for sure, but grateful being the biggest. I hugged my grandmother like I haven't before. She was safe, and the world was right again. I hugged this woman like I haven't hugged a stranger before, I was so thankful that there are still amazing people in this world.

   See when I wanted to give up on my faith, because I felt like I was failing God, and I felt like I was just a big disappointment to him like I had been in so many aspects of my life before. Right when I was feeling that all my efforts of trying to turn my life around for so long was just leading it to me being a big fat failure.. God was in the makings of showing me that I wasn't a failure to Him, that I was worth ten times more than I could imagine.
   Had my husband and I not go in that awful fight, had we not stayed home instead of being at the festival, I wouldn't have taken that first call, and then I wouldn't have been at my grandmother house when that lady called to tell us my grandma would be there, and it would have taken a lot longer to find her, as everyone was searching at the festival for her
   God sometimes uses bad situations for something good. Through it all, my husband held my hand, told me he loved me and he was sorry, and at that point, it didn't matter that we were fighting, what mattered was he was there, from the first moment of knowing he was ready to go searching for her too, the moment I said we had to leave now, he was out of his chair before I could finish. In the mist of the worst argument, he dropped everything, grabbed my hand and never let go. He is my rock, just as the Lord is our rock, and our salvation. In those moments of not knowing and even after we got her, he was Jesus to me. He kept me together, and after it was over, we knew there was a reason we were fighting. And I think we loved each other more because of it. 
    God is good, He never fails us. In our darkest and loneliest moments, in the moments we want to give up, He is already planning something bigger, something to help us keep on going. He is always going to show us we are worth more than we think. We are worth everything to Him, and He always has a purpose planned for us.
    Thank you Lord, for giving me so many wonderful people in my life, I am blessed to know and be related to so many. There was so many people helping search, helping spread the word. It is a wonderful thing to know how many people care, and will stop what their doing to help you in a time of need. Yesterday could have been a lot worse, yet it wasn't. God is amazing!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Advice for Engaged and Married Couples!


   Recently I notice around me so much negativity and drama between couples, just stupid things that shouldn't be happening . I see more marriages falling apart because people aren't willing to do the work that comes with marriage. My husband and I were once part of that, and when I look back. I am just upset and embarrassed at some of the things that went on between us.
   So I thought if I could give engaged couples advice on marriage based on my own experiences I would say something like this:

~ If your going to fall in love with a man other than your husband, best it be Jesus Christ.
I've been down that road, of thinking of other men, wondering what my life would be like with someone else, I've had a few crushes on other men. I just felt like my husband wasn't giving me enough. And one time I found a guy who told me the right things and I cheated on my husband. And in the end, I felt like the worst person ever, I couldn't understand why I kept lusting after other men and it drove me completely insane, up until a priest I saw at confession who could read souls told me exactly why. He told me I was empty, there was something missing and I was looking for it in everything but God. Then he told me if I fall in love with Christ and put Him close to my life, I wouldn't notice the things my husband didn't give me. So I took that advice and I started a relationship with Jesus Christ and I began to fall in love with Him and I prayed to love my husband and only my husband. And now I see other men and I see nothing. I love my husband more than I ever have and I have God to thank for bringing love back into our lives, also have some saints to thank as well as I have asked a few to intercede for us. And they all came through! Praise Jesus!

~If you think another man or woman will give you what your husband or wife doesn't, YOUR WRONG, its Jesus Christ who fills the voids in your soul.
  The same comment from above can be applied here

~ When your thinking of all the reasons to divorce your husband/wife, stop and think of all the reasons you fell in love with them and the reasons you married them.
You didn't marry your spouse thinking one day you were going to divorce them did you? No, you didn't, you didn't marry them because you cant stand them. No, you married your spouse because you fell in love with them and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them. All the time I thought of the reasons I wanted to divorce my husband, and I did this a lot. Until I found Jesus and started falling back in love with him, I don't think of the reasons to divorce him, but I think of everything he does that makes me love him more and more. My husband helps do laundry, he cleans house, he lets me sleep in on the weekends. And I'm a stay at home mom. You know how rare it is to find a man who helps out that much. He doesn't do it all the time, but he does do it frequently especially when he knows how run down I am from keeping the house spotless, chasing after the kids, slept horrible because one of them was sick, or when I'm sick. I am so lucky that I have a man that will help me out when I am really needing it.
   He tells me I'm beautiful all the time, more often when I don't have makeup on and I feel my worst. He has always done that. A lot of guys I have dated or talked to have always said I needed to change something about me, my hair should be a different color, I should be working out etc. Not once in the 7 years we have been together has my husband asked me to change a single thing about me. He always tells me I am perfect the way I am. I never realized it for so long.
    He has always supported my crazy work at home schemes, even putting money into all of them to help me get started, and when all of them didn't work out, he never complained about loosing the money. He just kept loving me and supporting each and every time I tried something new.
    My husband is the kind of man who brings me little surprises from the store, like a coke or a candy. He messages me on every break at work to tell me he loves me and it has always been that way the past 7 years. He gives me back scratches and foot rubs, he watches the kids, gives them baths and puts them to bed some nights so I can simply just relax take a bath or say my rosary or just do something for me.
   And all the times I thought of divorcing him and thinking of why I should, I never stopped to think of the MANY things he does for me. Thank goodness I never made the decision to let him go. I know there will never be another man who loves me for me, who will stand by me through all my crazy shenanigans.

~ Always make God the center of your LIVES & MARRIAGE.
   Look, without God we are nothing. And without God being the root of your marriage, it will not work. You have to be on the same page, God needs to be the first in each of your lives separate, and each of your lives together. Otherwise it will be a constant battle. I know because my husband and I fought for years, screamed and hollered and broke up, split up. Years of unhappiness and the moment we put God into our lives, life became happy for us again, we found love, happiness, playfulness, laughter. Things I haven't seen between us since we first started dating. It's amazing to have that pure happiness again. And it was all possible with God.
And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~ Matthew 19:26

If a man or woman knows your married, yet continues to feed you complements and makes it sound okay to be "chummy"....Just turn around and WALK AWAY!
   One of the many times my husband and I were split up, I found myself becoming friendly with another guy, just talked to and all that, and he knew I was married, but yet he always fed me complements and told me I needed better. And then I realized what was happening and before it went to far, I JUST WALKED AWAY. I already made that mistake once and I was not going to do it again. Even if I was split up from my husband, I was still married and I did not want be that person again. Once a cheater always a cheater is NOT true, I am proof, because I simply said NO. Any one can change, you just have make the decision and stick to it.

~ It takes TWO to make a marriage work, a marriage will fail if you both aren't willing to do the work and carry each your load.
   I don't care who you are and what you think, one person can not make a marriage work by themselves. You BOTH need to be willing to carry your own load and do your part. Marriage isn't easy and if each of you don't put hard work into it to keep it going then it will fail. One person cannot not do it alone.

~ Don't point out your spouses flaws to others especially your family, it will only point out a negative character in their eyes and when you give praise about your spouse, it will go right over their heads and they wont even hear it, they will be stuck on that negative persona you have built up for them.
   Been there done that, I always told my family every negative thing that went on in my relationship with my husband. And pointed out EVERY flaw I saw, so they began to dislike him. So when I want to sing praises on my husband and how amazing he is, and how far he has come. They don't want to hear it, because their stuck on the negative persona I gave him, and they're wrong for it, anyone can change.

~ Don't constantly tell your spouse their flaws over and over, it doesn't do either of you good.
    Telling your spouse what you can't stand about them, or what they're not doing right, is just asking for trouble. What your really suppose to do is just love them no matter what and encourage them.

~ The ONLY person your allowed to tell your spouses flaws to is GOD, because He already knows!
   If you really feel the need to tell someone about your spouses flaws, just tell God, for starters He already knows, and He wants you to talk to him anyway. So just let it all out to God, He's the one person who wont give you bad advice or try to feed you negative thoughts. He might not say anything back, but He listens more than a lot of people who will let it go in one ear and out the other and nod their heads and say oh well you don't need that. God will help you.

~ You have the power to Pray for your spouse, and God has the power to help them with whatever negative traits they have... IT WORKS!!
   This is truer than the color of the hair on my head!! Your spouse has flaws? Pray for them, pray for them to change for the good, don't just pray once and think that's it, continuously pray for them and in time you will see a change. You have this amazing power that is called prayer and you should use it ALL the time! Just remember everything is IN GOD'S TIMING, if something doesn't happen right away, its because God is waiting for the right moment. Just keep having faith and persistent prayers.

~ No matter what the situation is, no matter whose fault you think its is, DONT SAY IT, Just tell them you love them no matter what and you will always be there.
   Look we all go through times where you want to point blame for bad things that happen. But to be in a marriage is to love unconditionally, for better or for worse! So when the worse come along, you stand by your spouse to be their rock, don't point the blame and then walk away, what kind of person would you be? You just tell them no matter what that you love them, you are always their, and its worth 10x more than saying its your fault deal with it. (Jesus would be highly upset with you)

~If you have a wondering eye.. Fix it on Jesus Christ not on someone else!!
    Need I say more?
~ Marriage is NOT based on fairy tales, sorry to burst your bubble
   Oh goodness if we don't ever see those amazing Love movies, where at the end we are like "I just want a love like that". Remember its a movie, its not real, even the true story ones don't happen for everyone. That's not how marriage works, you got to go through hell and back to achieve that great Love.

~Marriage is NOT SUPPOSE TO BE EASY, who ever told you that is suppose to be is either divorced or single.
   Enough said!

If you are NOT willing to do your part, carry your load, take responsibility for your wrong actions (because sorry no one is perfect)... YOUR NOT READY TO BE MARRIED.

    Truth! I mean really, if you go into a marriage expecting to do no work at all. Well its I'm sorry to say you should NOT be getting married!

~ If you want a divorce because things aren't working out... WORK HARDER.. QUIT BEING LAZY.
   Hard Truth right here, seriously if you try to kid yourself or someone else by saying its not working out, your just not working hard enough. That's called being LAZY, sorry to say it, giving up when the tough gets going is being a coward. I would know because I always ran when things got hard, I am a runner, and I'm okay to admit it, because I tell God that I'm ready to hang up my running shoes. I Love my husband, I want to spend the rest of my life with him and I don't want to be lazy!

~ EVERYONE has the power to change, NO BODY is hopeless in the eyes of God, give your spouse some slack if their not living up to your standards and start praying for them and yourselves.
    Your not perfect, your spouse isn't perfect, But God is, and He will help you, your spouse, and your marriage if you just ask of Him. Don't throw it away the first chance you think of it, fight for it. Fight for it the way Jesus fought and died to save you!

   I can promise my husband and I have been through hell and back, a lot of things you wouldn't believe. Shoot By all accounts we should have been long divorced by now, no body understood why I stayed with him and why he stayed with me for a lot of things we did to each other and not even knowing the half of it (your mouth would hang open if I told them all to you).
   Truth is my husband and I love with a love like no other, its NOT a fairy tell love, but its a I will die for you, I will pray for you, fight for you till the very last breath I take kind of love. We have been on that divorce road a one to many times, yet we STILL fought for it. Its because we have a Raw love, we love everything even the flaws about each other.
~ Were two imperfect people who have a perfect God on our side~