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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

One of God's Divine Intervention's

   So I have kind of been out of sorts since last week. I'm going to just start from the beginning. So last Tuesday my husband and I randomly decided that morning that we were going to get a puppy. Like Decided this and that afternoon it was delivered to us. It just needed a good home.
   Let me tell you things like this are a big deal for me and need to be planned out like 6 months a head of time. And on the real my husband usually is like no its to expensive, which is true it is. And we just don't have that extra money. But I don't know for some reason we just did it. And so we got this puppy, well I told my husband that morning I was like we have a problem we don't have our old kennel that we got along time ago. But wasn't using it so we let a friend borrow it, so he said he was going to pop by after work on the way home and see if he could have it back.
   He didn't call or anything he was just going to swing by after work, well as he got closer to their house he notices a man walking down the street, and as he looked closer he noticed it was our friend that he was going to stop by. So he pulled over and told him to get in the car, turns out his friend was on his way to some ones house and had a gun on him. Like I don't even want to think what would have happened if he made it to where he was going. But in that moment my husband just happened to be going by and he had no idea my husband was going to stop by. But GOD put my husband in that moment at that exact time to stop him.

Do you see how awesome God is?? Like God had a plan all along, because I kept telling myself I don't know why we are getting this dog, we don't do random things like this. And it was all for a purpose, God needed my husband to be in that place at that time so he could stop his friend from making a huge mistake. My husband I hope feels so humble and so in awe that God would use him as one of His instruments. God is so amazing I don't know how to even begin to explain his wonders. But you can't, you just have to be mind blown.

~Total Divine Intervention~

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