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Monday, June 3, 2013

A New Message from God ~ Just Give Him COMPLETE Control :-)


   How I love when my Heavenly Father comes to visit me. Last night I pretty much had an epiphany or should I say I just got slapped in the face with the truth! You know I am the kind of person who loves organizing my life (to the best of my abilities). I love check list, planners, having a plan for everything. Ever since I had my first born I felt like everything needed to be planned out, I threw all spontaneity out the window.

    So as I am trying to relax, I start thinking about ALL the things in my life that are just going crazy, which at this moment is EVERYTHING. My whole life is spiraling out of control and then it hit me.. I have no control over my life (as if I really didn't know that), I guess were just human and we like to think that we have some control over it. But a cousin of mine I was talking to over the phone about it earlier in the day, she said oh yea if you want to give God a good laugh tell Him your plans. Which she is absolutely 100% RIGHT! God can change our plans in a heart beat. I mean you can tell Him your plans but I bet 50% of the time He will be like ha, ha Yea Right!!
    He only lets things go our way if He thinks its for the best, if He doesn't however, you can kiss ya plans good bye, God does things His way, He does things that will teach us a lesson, to make us stronger. He wont just hand us anything, it has to be in our best interest. Because He is our father, He looks after all His children.
    So I just let it out, I said FINE I QUIT, I quit, I quit, I quit. You take complete control I will just do my best to throw my hands in the air and enjoy the ride.

    The thing is God knows He has control, but He wants us to acknowledge it, He wants us to understand that our life is nothing we can plan out. Because like I said 50% probably even 90% of the time He will just laugh at us if we even think we can control that much of our lives.

   So here is the thing, just let go, give God your life, everything in it and let Him plan out your future. I bet He can give us a better future than we could ever think of for our selves. It might not be the way you want it to go, but I bet in the end you'll turn around and say thank you Lord, this is the best thing that could ever happen to me.
    Can you Imagine how maybe more people would be less stressed if they just gave their lives to God and let him do with it as He wills?  I think our world would be better off, is all I'm saying.

   Just live your day one at a time, live every day like its your last, that is the way we should all be living. Because then we get the fullest out of everyday. Hug your kids every morning, tell them you love them no matter what, like it is the last time you will see them. Because you never know if you will be here tomorrow to do that. And you want to leave them with knowing in their hearts how much their parents loved them. And it will help them live their lives to the fullest.
    I know if I leave this world anytime soon, the one thing I want to do, is leave knowing everyone knew I lived my life to the fullest, my kids knew I loved them with all their hearts and I know that they will go on living the way I did.
   And ALWAYS teach your children about God! Start as early as you can, its the best thing you can do for them!

   And I am going to TRUST in God and just go with the flow (as I say that through gritted teeth) because that is just not something I know how to do. But I'm figuring since my life is going up and down and spiraling out of control like a giant roller coaster, I'm thinking maybe that's my sign from God that He's ready for me to let go and let Him take over.
     So take it away Lord, I might be frightened at first and I my stomach my twist and turn along the way, but I'm betting some where a long the way, I'll end up throwing my hands in the air, with a huge smile on my face and enjoying every minute of it!!

   I hope you all have a blessed day today, and please don't forget to make time each and every day for God. Praise Him, tell Him you love Him, tell Him thank you for all that you have, the breath you take, waking up each morning. Just praise, praise, praise Him and He will bless you in return!

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