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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Have You Made time for God yet Today?

  God is Always on my mind, but I tend to like this morning get preoccupied. I say my rosary everyday, when I'm not sure just depends on when I get some good quiet time. But if I have plans for the day, I try to get ready, get my kids ready and do the things I want to before I get out the house..

    Well as I'm browsing on the computer I realize I need to pray....
. So I immediately turn the computer away from me, get on my knee's and say my prayers.

    God should ALWAYS come first, I always try to say my prayers before I start my day, but its okay if I don't, at least I'm praying at some point. Just remember that GOD COMES FIRST.

    God comes before ALL aspects of your life, and if you put Him ahead of everything else, He will in turn put all the pieces of your life together for you.

REMEMBER: God first above ALL, above your husband and children, above your job, above your friends, and family, above YOU. Put God first and He will always help you throughout life.

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