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Saturday, May 18, 2013

God's latest Message Friday May 17, 2013

    Okay so I finally am able to catch you up on everything that has been going on, now I can just start having a normal blog, but I needed to catch you up on everything that has been going on.. God has a lot to say ya know :-)

May 17, 2013

Its amazing how much time difference is between heaven and earth I have literally been in conversation with God since about 8:30am after I finished my prayers. And it feels like a 30 minute convo.. Got a lot of house work done not even noticing the time passing by until I look at the clock and its like 10:18am and I was do whaaat how did that much time pass?? LOL weird

Anyways its started it off with...
the devil coming at me this morning. He was really laying it on me making me feel like my husband hated me and he was still in love with an old girl friend. I felt horrible this morning. Which it started off dreaming my husband cheated on me and hated me.. And funny I just told him and he said he dreamed I cheated on him. So I know the devil really is coming at the both of us because we really have been doing soo much better in our relationship thanks to God.

So in this moment of feeling that way I just started praying and praying and here came God and he took all that pain away. But I knew something had been bothering me I just couldn't figure out why I had this feeling of a cloud. So I didn't really lay into God I would never fuss Him I know better than that.. But I got all the problems that are bothering me out of my chest, like I was out of breath when I finished and then I cried and apologized for feeling that way. And we talked about things this and that, the stuff that was bothering me. Which is I am so worried about people who aren't living the life that there suppose to, I'm terrified for their souls and them not making it to heaven. Even if you live a clean life and do nothing wrong, but if you don't have God then you have nothing. And I tend to put the problems of other people and the world on my shoulders and I cry and hurt for other people. But that's NOT my job its God's, He is here to do all that, He is the only One powerful enough to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders.

But the one thing he told me was to tell people this:

Life isn't a big race, its not about who crosses the finish line first, God loves all his children EQUALLY, he does not favor one or the other. We are all Equals some of us just choose to put our selves at a higher standard in thinking were better then some. that is the devils work. Because a true child of God knows that we and even those who do really bad things are still children of God and he loves us all the same. Some of us just choose to accept his love and some of us don't.

So this is his message :
   Its not about crossing the finish line first, its about who you get and pick up along the way to cross it with you. Crossing it together is the true reward and the true meaning of winning. Would you rather celebrate winning a race all by yourself alone.. Or celebrate winning a race as a team as equals.

You have to help others find God and therefore your helping them get closer to heaven and crossing that finish line with you, even if you don't speak to the people you worry so much about just start by praying for them and their souls its the only thing you can do for now.

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