Cleansing your Soul in Confession
So after this I was really battling with myself because I was just desperately wanting us to change our lives and the way we were living for the better. This woman she touched me and really made me open my eyes. So I sought out this priest who can read souls. I thought the first step is to go confess my sins since I haven't been since I was a little girl, and in hearing about this priest in the same town as my brother and sister in law, and what his gift was of reading souls, I knew that's what I needed to do. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
I went to church 30 minutes before it started, and he was taking such a long time with the person in front of me that I was just about to get up and leave and they came out. So I knew that it really was my time to go. I get in there and I only said about a few words and he just seriously reads into my whole entire life the way I have been feeling. He tells me I'm lonely, I feel empty inside, he tells me that my whole life I never felt loved, that I doubt myself as a wife and a mother. And there were things that I just wasn't getting from my husband, like feeling appreciated or that I was worth anything to him. We'll I thought boy he's good. And he continue to tells me that I need to fill my life with Jesus because then it wouldn't matter what my husband wasn't giving me I wouldn't notice because God is giving it to me (and he was right). He also told me that I was very controlling, I like to control the things that go on in my life, which he REALLY got right ha ha. He told me I was trying to make myself faithful I was just repeating my prayers and that I needed to stop, let go of everything and just let my faith come to me. That is just a few of what he told me. I mean when he reads into your soul he REALLY reads into your soul. I am going to make it a purpose to visit him once a year for confession.
Step 2: Learning how to Pray In your OWN way
Just talk to God
So after I went to confession, I did a lot of crying and I continued to say my prayers and attend church. Little by little I did start to let go and I just started talking to God. I would talk to him about everything and I would ask him to just help me find my right path and take my life in His hands, and then I just for what reason I don't know kept saying I wanted to be a "warrior for God". I didn't even know what I was saying but I kept on saying it, and I eventually found out. Once I asked Him to take control he really started guiding me in everything I needed to do, every decision I needed to make. And little by little He started speaking to me. And so we began building this relationship between us because that's what God wants. He wants a deep and meaningful relationship with all of us beyond just saying your prayers. Really opening up and falling completely in love with Him, and depending on Him for help. ITS WHAT HE WANTS (I cant stress that enough)!!!
You are NOT burdening God
A lot of people in this world think that if they ask God to help us or praying for ourselves is selfish and that if we ask Him to take our problems from us and put it in His hands it is putting a burden on Him. But thats the thing God wants us to give Him our problems, He want's us to ask Him to take it off our shoulders and put it in His hands and do with it what He will. Why? Because He simply has the Power to just push it aside and then in turn it doens't bother Him in the least. He can do that you know, He is ALL MIGHTY, incase you forgot!!!
Here is something Paul tells us, that God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20). Which mean He can go above and beyond anything we could ever ask for, even MORE than that. All we have to do is:
1- cooperate with what He is doing.
2- not to get in His way.
3- To let Him acheive in our lives what He wants to.
4- Not to insist on doing things "our" way.
I picked this up from a book I just finished, and will read over and over. I will use a lot of examples from here, because it is Perfect to apply to our everyday lives. The book is called: ENCOURAGING WORDS FOR WOMEN by Darlene Sala. It is a relitively small book, very easy to blow through. But I will keep this on hand everytime I need to preach because it has made a huge impact on my life.
You can find it on
Encouraging Words for Women
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