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Friday, May 17, 2013

No cell phone, No car, but its okay I have God

   I finally figured out why I haven't had a cellular phone since before Christmas YES 4-5 months. I kept blaming my husband for not putting me on his phone plan bc isn't that his job to provide for me?.. NO madam its NOT, yes that is a husbands job, but no we shouldn't really expect so much. Yes a lot of people have made the comment about oh he should get over it and do it. BUT I finally figured it

out. My husband pays ALL the bills, the house bills, his own bills, he has a car that's broken and is using my car there fore I have no vehicular. BUT He puts the food on the table so we don't starve, he buys the soap and laundry detergent so we aren't dirty, and he buys the diapers and toys and candy, so our children are clean and happy there is a reason for everything and here Is why I have been without.

    Instead of playing the blaming game I really sat back and put everything in perspective. I was ALWAYS on my phone, you couldn't talk to me and see my eyes bc they were down all the time on the screen, (very disrespectful) and I have no car which is okay bc I always wasted gas going here and there. Okay so I found out, I don't have a phone its been about 5 months but its because instead of talking to who ever, I needed to be talking to (wait for it) God (yep its another one of those post lol). This is why I'm here, where I'm at, bc I stopped worrying about everything and just started talking to God (may as well, He is always here right). And having no car means I cant run from Him or try to distract myself. So I have more time to paint and work on my business, which He will help grow in time. Its funny how things work out like that. Everything will fall into place, yes I will have a phone again and rejoin the social world, I just need to remember that I need to spend more time with God instead of my phone. Yes I will have my car back but I need to remember if I'm going to run a business I need to know that I have to work regular work hours like any normal working person so that I have good feed back upon my work and not run the roads so much unless work related.

    As long as you believe and are truly faithful in God He will provide, He will not let you starve or go homeless. He is our home. So with learning that I told my husband do what you need to fix your car, and have strong faith He will not let us go broke. He doesn't break His promises!

   I really don't think I need to summarize that one for you. It pretty much speaks for it self. Just always remember to take a step back and look at the whole entire picture before you really judge or put the blame on someone or just point out their negatives. Think of all the good they do, it really makes you realize how selfish we tend to be when we are putting the blame on people instead of owning up to our parts. It takes two to make a marriage work, and after 7 years together my husband and I are just finally getting the jest of what each of us do, we always played that card, you know the one where you don't work, you stay home all day, and you don't support me the way I want you to. But just stopping stepping back, and like a puzzle putting all the pieces together, we learned to appreciate the positive things each other does, and therefore love each other better.

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