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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Holy Face of Jesus

Adored Be The Holy Face of Jesus
O Lord, show us Thy Face and we shall be saved!
"By offering My Face to My Eternal Father, nothing will be refused, and the conversion of many sinners will be obtained."
-Our Lord to Sr. Mary of St. Peter -  Nov. 1846
    Have you heard about the devotion of reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus? It is a devotion that was first heard of through a Carmelite Nun named Sister Mary of St. Peter in France, 1844, who stated Our Lord revealed this devotion to her at Mount Carmel. Sister Mary of St. Peter stated that Our Lord wanted this devotion to be spread throughout the world with the goal of making reparation for the sins which offend God. (Taken from TheHolyFaceDevotion.com) VERY good website to learn about the Holy Face of Jesus.
Promises Of Our Lord Jesus Christ
To Sr. Mary of St. Peter, Discalced Carmelite Nun,
in favor of those who honor His Holy Face.
  1. "By My Holy Face you shall work miracles."
  2. "By My Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners."
  3. "Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused to you."
  4. "If you knew how pleasing the sight of My Face is to My Father."
  5. "As  in a kingdom you can procure all you wish for with a coin marked with the King's effigy, so in the Kingdom of Heaven you will obtain all you desire with the precious coin of My Holy Face.
  6. "Our Lord has promised me that He will imprint His divine likeness on the souls of those who honor His most holy Countenance."
  7. "All those who honor My Holy Face in a spirit of reparation will, by so doing, perform the office of the pious Veronica."
  8. "According to the care you take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemies, so will I take care of yours, which has been disfigured by sin. I will reprint therein My image and render it as beautiful as it was on leaving the Baptismal font."
  9. "Our Lord promised me that all those who defend His cause in this work of reparation, by words, by prayers, or in writing, He will defend them before His Father; at their death He will purify their souls by effacing all the blots of sin and will restore to them their primitive beauty."

    Almighty and Eternal Father, since it has pleased Our Divine Savior to reveal to mankind in modern times the power residing in His Holy Face, we now avail ourselves of this Treasure in our great need. Since our Savior Himself promised that by offering to You His Holy Face disfigured in the Passion we can procure the settlement of all the affairs of our household, and that nothing whatsoever will be refused to us, we now come before Your throne.
    Eternal Father, turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people whose face has become unsightly in Your eyes. Look instead upon the Face of Your Beloved Son; for this is the Face of Him in whom You are well pleased. We now offer You His Holy Face covered with blood, sweat, dust, spittle and shame, in reparation for the worst crimes of our age, which are atheism, blasphemy, and the desecration of Your holy days. We thus hope to appease Your anger justly provoked against us. The All-Merciful Advocate opens His mouth to plead our cause; listen to His cries, behold His tears, O God, and through the merits of His Holy Face hearken to Him when He intercedes for us poor miserable sinners.

If you would like to read more on the Holy Face of Jesus, which I encourage you to very much!! Go to HolyFaceDevotion.com

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