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Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Blessed Mother is Very important to us

     Let the Light in
    So I have realized I was building my relationship up with God and Jesus, then I realized I kind of was in a way neglecting Mary. So I start telling her how much I wanted to build a relationship with her. And I wanted her to deeply show me how to be a better mother, and a better wife, how to become more like her.

And I noticed I haven't been hearing God lately like I was but I know he's always her...
e so I had no worries, I'm sure he has lots of children he's off talking to. Well I had the urge to take the blankets off the windows and just give this house a BIG spring cleaning and let some light in this house, because our house is unusually dark, and I have been feeling and hearing negative things in the house.

Once I pulled off the blankets and I opened a window and opened the back door and gated it off, her came God's voice booming.. The light was  we needed in our house, the negative can survive in the dark, they hate the light, the scatter like cock roaches when God's light comes in. So he was telling me how to get rid of the negative from our house. And I owe it all to My Mother Mary, because I know she heard my cry for help and she gave me the push to really cleanse the house and let the light in, and there fore God's voice came back to me.

Always let the light in, it is after all the first thing God said at the beginning of Creation
~ "Let there be Light" and God saw that the light was good.

Open a window or two or a door. Fresh air does the body, mind and soul good. My house is in just an hour a wonderfully changed place with the light and the air God made. And the negative things that were in this house are gone. Our house was to dark there fore they were able to stay. Well no more buddy God gave me the second secret besides blessing your house!
Getting Closer to God   
     When you find yourself getting closer to God, and you really become in a deep and meaningful relationship with him.. It FREAKS the devil out, because he knows your going to spread God's word and start helping people get closer to him as well, then he's going to try and bring you down, really bad because he knows the more people that turn to God the more people are no longer scared of him because God will always give you the answers and the tools (prayers) you need to fight him.

I not only hear God, but I hear the devil as well, and he's very good at trying to get you to think he's God, But the devil will never and could never sound or be like God. All you have to do is pray to God and ask him to help you separate whose word is whose, and you will always know.

I had a hell of a week last week going round and round with the devil. And in the times I thought he was going to win, I broke down in tears and asked God to save me. And you know what, he always came to my rescue, he will ALWAYS come to your rescue if you just ask it of him.

Also Saying a Rosary at least once a day is one of the best tools against the devil. I started saying mine every mornings and sometimes I say it twice a day when I do my night time prayers. But it is one of the best ways to keep him away.

I feel much better now that Mother Mary has come to my aid in helping me find God's voice again. I'm no longer scared of the devil because I know if I keep on my right track, stay focused on God and heaven, God will always come to my aid when I need him. I'm also no longer afraid of dying because Its just means Ill be next to my Father in my real home, because this is not our home, this is a temporary one, our real home is waiting for us. So we need to in turn prepare our souls to be ready to enter into God's heavenly kingdom.

  Ah see there's the crazy posts that I haven't been doing lately LOL. Now I know for sure I found God's voice again LOL
Getting the Push I need to be a better Me
I love when I can feel God's Love radiating on me and I know he's proud.

Knowing we are going to be making major changes in our lives, for the rest of them. I decided I need to start my day off at 5am, so I can have my prayer time, and then begin my house work and then my working day. I have been non stop spring cleaning since 5, I have been on my feet all day, and could not be more exhausted abo
ut now.

Some how my coffee machine went off I think carter started it and its not suppose to go off till 4:55am.. So I took it as a sign just have one cup to finishes house work and baking Tuckers school snack which is taking forever.

Doing dishes after dishes, and then after supper tonight I just said Mary help me make it through this night, and I decided not to let tonight's dishes go unwashed I didn't want to do them tomorrow morning. So I just say come on keep going we have the back of the house to spring clean tomorrow. And in that moment of deciding not to give up the house work.. I just could feel God's Love and Proudness radiating on my and I just cried and cried tears of happiness, because God's Love is that strong it can move you to tears.

I know I have been making major changes and when I cried out to Mother Mary to help me be a better house wife and mother, I really found the drive to really get my house in better shape, and tonight I felt more Love than I ever thought I could feel by someone I can't even see. But God's presence is one that will move you to the most joyous tears. And I am so Happy that I made Him proud, because that is the one thing I tell him all the time is I just don't want to let him down, and I don't want to fail.

Tonight I truly feel like I have accomplished step one in changing of my life. I have never felt more proud of myself and happy with myself. And I know My Heavenly Father is even more proud.

I am exhausted but feel great about it because I know I truly earned the right to be!!
A new Voice
She really is Perfect
I love how I am building relationships with each person one at a time it really gives me a better understanding of life.

Tonight I have heard a new Voice!

I have been praying a lot to the Blessed Mother this week and I can always tell when her presence is around me because I have no worries, I smile at everything, I have such a peace about me and my heart has more joy and love and I didn't thin...
k I could get any happier. But she really does bring a sense of true happiness. I was having such a hard time really talking to her other than praying to her because she is so holy and so pure that I just didn't know how to speak to her.

But I finally let my guard down and really opened up and talked to her exactly like my mom, in fact that's what I call her is Mother, mom some times, but Mother is what fits me best. And when I speak to her I have such a calmness I didn't even know existed in my loud self lol.. But when I began to really open up the way a daughter does to her mother. I heard Her voice, and to describe the voice of the Blessed Mother is so hard, because it is truly an Angelic voice, just exactly how a mother talks to her little children, so kind and full of love and compassion. And when I am conversing with her, I am in that moment blissfully happy with a slight smile on my face.

She told me just because she is Holy doesn't mean she wasn't once a parent just like I am, she just has a lot more children to love and care for. So I can talk to her just the way I do with everyone else. I guess Mary is just so pure it is hard to think we can just carry on a normal every day conversation. But turns out you can.

The Blessed Mother is equally as important to pray to and ask for help, because she always comes to her children's aid. And she gives us another opening to God and Jesus and then you really start to understand. I was having such a hard time going back and forth with what I was suppose to do or if I was really crazy, but when I turned to Mother Mary she really planted my feet firmly on the path that I am on so I never look back. And I am so thankful to her because of that, because now I am only focused on the future I don't feel as confused and torn, I am more at peace with the new life I am going to be living and the changes to myself I will be making.

My Heart is full of so much joy sometimes it feels like a dream, I'm afraid to blink because I think this will end. But alas it is no dream, it is real and I am so humbled to be so close to the heavenly family that I look forward to the life of helping others find their faith and becoming closer to God... No turning back now!



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