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Friday, May 17, 2013

Just a friendly message from God

I love spending time in Prayer, it sooths me so much. I spent some extra time in it this morning after my rosary and it truly made me feel better. I have been feeling off but I found out why. So now I need to really focus on God and his words!

~ When you hear Me, you hear him as well. He will try to cloud you from Me.
Keep Focus! ~

Give praise to God today, stop and for just a minute thank him ...
for the little things in your life you have, Love, laughter, children, family, the roof over your head, food, soap, water. Money... There are ALWAYS people in this world who have it worse than us, and they probably have a lot more faith as a result because they realize the things they DO have.

It is because of God you have these things. Do not forget he can take away at any moment just as easily as he gave or allowed you to have. He is All Mighty and Powerful, don't forget that.

Don't forget who made you, who gave you your first breath, and who can take it away at any given moment.

Love the Lord with all your heart and soul, walk in His path and He will bless you.

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